Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Club officers that are options for YOU! Vote at next meeting

The President is the head of the club. He/she should preside in such a manner that all members will feel free to take part.

Vice President-
The Vice President is the key to good club meetings! He/she should work very closely with the President in planning and preparing for meetings.

The Secretary is important because he/she keeps a lasting record of club meetings,decisions, activities, and involvement.

The Treasurer will keep up with the groups money and expenses.

Reporter/Newsletter Editor-
People in your community are interested in what your club is doing. A reporter or newsletter editor is responsible for seeing that they are informed about club activities.

first meeting spreadsheet and minutes

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tomorrow is the first meeting of the GHS online computer club!

Ok everyone just a reminder that tomorrow there will be the meeting in the cafe at Greeneville Highschool. Can't wait to see you all there.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Don't forget!

Hey everyone just a reminder the first meeting of the GHS online computer club will be the 22nd of July at the GHS cafe. This will be our only face to face meeting. Others will be via Skype.

Share the brochure!!!

Hey guys, I made a new brochure for the GHS online computer club. It gives all the details about the club, it's mission, and everything that members will do. Share with everyone you think would be interested.

Date and time announced for first meeting

coming soon... GHS online computer club

I'm so excited to announce GHS will soon have a club for people interested in computers. Stay tuned for more details.